United Way Helps Families in Marshall County Achieve Financial Stability
As many as one-third of working Americans do not earn enough money to meet their basic needs. Wages have not kept pace with the rising cost of housing, healthcare, and education. Currently, 11% of Marshall County families live in poverty. ALICE (an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, but less than the basic cost of living for our county. 29% of households in Marshall County are ALICE households.
For families walking a financial tightrope, unable to save for college, a home, or retirement, United Way is here to help.
The SingleCare Prescription Savings Card
- Is free for everyone – it’s like a coupon that you can use as often as you want.
- Reduces cost – just show the card every time to get the lowest prices, whether it be SingleCare, insurance or retail price.
- Is easy to use with no registration or eligibility requirements.
- Covers FDA approved prescription medications.
- Saves an average of 45% on prescriptions.
- Accepted at major chain pharmacies nationwide
- Free loyalty program allowing members to save even more!
- For more information on this United Way program, see the drop down menu below in the 'SEARCH for help' section.
- To access SingleCare info in Spanish, visit https://condadomarshall.org/miscellaneous/ and scroll to "FamilyWize".
SEARCH for help
When you are looking for the information you need to get help in Marshall County, you need to find it right away. By using SEARCH United Way of Marshall County, you’ll easily find the information you’re looking for… when you’re looking for it.
People throughout our community turn to United Way every day for information and support – whether financial-related, health and nutrition, education, or disaster. We have information that connects people of all ages to the necessary health and human services you need. We’re excited to put this information directly into your hands. SEARCH for help HERE.
If you need our help, we are also always only a phone call away. 574-936-3366.
Hoosier Healthwise is a health care program for children up to age 19 and pregnant women. The program covers medical care such as doctor visits, prescription medicine, mental health care, dental care, hospitalizations, and surgeries at little or no cost to the member or the member's family.
The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) falls under the Hoosier Healthwise program. CHIP is for children up to age 19 whose families have slightly higher incomes. In CHIP, members are required to pay a low monthly premium for coverage as well as copays for certain services.
Covered Services
There are two benefit packages within Hoosier Healthwise:
Package A - This is a full-service plan for children and pregnant women. Members do not have any cost sharing obligations.
Package C - This is a full-service plan for children enrolled in CHIP. There is a small monthly premium payment and co-pay for some services based on family income.
For a general description of the benefits and services under these benefit packages, refer to the Indiana Medicaid Covered Services page. Individual health plans may offer additional services.
Member Information
For eligibility information, including income requirements, for Hoosier Healthwise-Package A, refer to the eligibility guide.
For eligibility information, including income requirements, as well as premium and copay information for Package C, refer to the premium payments page.
If you are a pregnant woman, you may be able to receive medical care while you wait for your application to be processed. Please refer to Presumptive Eligibility for more info.
You can find information about the program within the Hoosier Healthwise brochure.
When you enroll with Hoosier Healthwise, you must select a health plan. You may choose among the following:
Managed Health Services
You can visit the Working With Your Health Plan page to select the best health plan for you. You can also find a summary of the Hoosier Healthwise health plans.
Once you have selected a health plan, you will be asked a series of questions about your health care. These questions will allow the health plan to understand your needs so that they may provide you with all the services you need. If you have extra needs, the health plan will ask you specific questions to better understand your healthcare treatment.
If you have questions about your benefits or your coverage, you should contact your health plan or the Indiana Medicaid enrollment broker, Maximus. You can find the phone numbers on the contact us webpage.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps)
In the United States, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly yet still commonly known as the Food Stamp Program, is a federal program that provides food-purchasing assistance for low- and no-income people. SNAP currently provides 1 in 7 Americans with help making ends meet and putting food on the table.
Find out if you are eligible for SNAP and learn how to access your SNAP benefits. You may apply for SNAP online here.
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
Find out if you are eligible for WIC assistance. If you prefer to contact the state office to find the clinic nearest you, please call toll-free 1-800-522-0874, or email inwic@isdh.in.gov. When you call your local clinic, the staff will be able to answer your questions and get you started with a certification appointment. You may apply for WIC online here.
Housing Counseling Link: https://www.hud.gov/housingcounseling
The Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority's Rental Assistance Portal is now live and taking applications! The IERA program can provide up to 15 months in rental assistance to help cover past due and ongoing monthly rent and utility payments for qualifying Indiana renters. Learn more and apply on their website HERE.
Civil legal aid helps people with non-criminal issues, including family, housing, consumer, healthcare, benefits, employment, and educational services. The website provides self-help forms and resources as well as information on how to locate free legal help, pro bono attorneys, or low cost legal help.
Self-help resources include:
- Debt;
- Mortgage foreclosure;
- Eviction;
- BMV Fee Reinstatement Fee Waiver;
- Expungement;
- Family law topics;
- Filing and Preparing for Court;
- Name and Gender Marker Change;
- Protection Orders.
More are being added from time to time. There are also currently resources specific to COVID programs.
Marshall County food pantries are helping provide food to families and households.
Click HERE for the full resource. Together, we will #EndHunger in our communities.
REAL Services assists low-income households with electric, heating, and water expenses during the winter months with funding provided through federal and state government. Please note that EAP benefits are NOT monthly payments.
To be eligible for the Energy Assistance Program (EAP), households must be within 60% of the state median income. Benefits depend on household size, income, utility cost, and fuel type.
This year, don’t pay to file. Use MyFreeTaxes, United Way’s easy online platform, to save hundreds of dollars in fees. For the first time, MyFreeTaxes is available in English and Spanish! Get started today: myfreetaxes.com
IRS Free File offers online tax preparation at no cost! Learn more and get started here: https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free
The VITA Program locally also helps with free tax preparation for those who qualify. Learn more by downloading THIS FILE.
Want to handle your taxes on your own? Use this guide for some helpful tips!
For weekly updates, go to WorkOne’s website at www.gotoworkone.com or like the FB page at https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=workone%20northern%20indiana
Writing a Will
Watch any long-running sitcom and you'll probably find an episode where the parents resist writing their wills. Generally, one parent is holding out because connect writing a will to dying, and this makes them unwilling to tackle this important task. But, the truth is that a will is the only way you can ensure your loved ones are cared for when you're gone.
Writing Your Will Yourself Vs. Using an Attorney
Once you decide to write your will, you can either do it yourself or hire an attorney to help. Using a professional ensures that your will is free of errors and meets state requirements, meaning that it will hold up in court, even if contested. You should consider hiring a professional if:
- You have assets in other states or countries
- You have minor children
- You're married, divorced, or remarried
- You own a business
If you decide to write your will on your own:
- Don't write a will by hand. It may not be legal in every state
- Work within a trusted software program. This software should include step-by-step instructions, detailed forms to fill out, and legal advice specific to your personal situation
- Make sure to sign your will according to the software program's directions in front of the right number of witnesses and then get it notarized
1. Select an Executor
An executor is someone who carries out your will, and will locate your assets, pay your creditors from your estate, and make sure your loved ones get the property you leave them. Attorneys caution against naming co-executors because getting two people to agree about your affairs can be difficult. Select one person you trust and discuss executorship with them.
2. Choose a Guardian
If you have kids under the age of eighteen, selecting a guardian is important. Choose a single person or a couple able to raise your children, and discuss the responsibility with them. You should ideally also choose a separate person to handle the money that you've left to your children.
3. Establish a Trust
A trust serves several purposes, including supporting minors, managing charitable gifts, and providing a safeguard for beneficiaries. There are many types of trusts available. You need a trust if you have minor children or more than $100,000 in assets.
4. Divide Your Goods
Many people name a loved one to inherit the bulk of their belongings, but others like to divvy up their property. If you have a lengthy list of items to distribute, include details of each item and its recipient so there's no confusion.
5. Draft a Letter
If you'd like to provide a detailed explanation or message to your heirs, consider attaching a personal letter to your will. The letter may also include safe deposit box information, account numbers, passwords, and insurance policies to make your executor's job trouble-free. Make sure you update the letter after any major life changes.
6. Keep Information Safe
Finally, store your will in a safe place and tell your executor or a family member where the will is located so it can be found and fulfilled quickly.
No one likes to think about death, but should something unfortunate happen to you, you need to have a will to protect your assets and your family.
7. Contact Us
If you would to discuss including United Way of Marshall County in your will or if you have questions about the best way for you to benefit through a planned gift, please call us at 574-936-3366 or email Linda Yoder at lyoder@marshallcountyuw.org. We would love to meet and talk.